Corporate Communications and Skills Development

Corporate Communications and Skills Development Services

Continuous learning, professional development through certifications as well as professional training opportunities add value not only to the individual but to the organisation.


The objective of Professional development is to deliver the skills and knowledge required enabling “personal development” and “career growth.”  We at “BKS Business Consultants” have discovered that businesses that make an investment in their organisational resources and provide opportunities for their advancement not only gain substantial benefits also significantly improve the overall efficiency of the organisation and increased revenue.


Optimised (ROI) as they are increasing staff retention and adding value to the organisation and the corporate culture whilst enhancing their organisational image.


We partner with leadership and develop and execute invaluable strategies that enable you to realise these benefits.


At BKS Business Consultants we offer tailored solutions in relation to your organisational training requirements.


Learning and Development (L&D)

Working collaboratively with organisations to enhance performance from C-suite, senior leaders to individuals and teams. We design and deliver training, mentoring and in-house learning and development including professional apprenticeship and mentor programmes with certification upon completion.


Tailored to align with business goals and organisational requirements through the application of skills and knowledge essential to enable optimal contribution.


We deliver leadership and management development enabling your organisation to have the required capabilities and skills in-house to facilitate current and new business challenges.

Assessment and development of leaders, leadership teams and executive boards enables personal effectiveness in changing business and working environments.


We at BKS Business Consultants are committed to making a positive impact on your organisation. Results you can expect from enrolling team members on to one or more of our programmes include:


1. Leadership Development – Corporate training sessions deal with appraising, development and enhancing the leadership skills of employees. Enabling them to be equipped for the future of your organisation. Now with the correct knowledge and skills able to drive and adapt to change effectively. This also covers executive mentoring as a part of their training.


2. Professional Development Programmes (Personal productivity and time management) – Personal productivity and time management sessions educate and ensure that time is managed effectively to achieve an optimal balance between professional and personal goals.


3. Communication Skills Training – Quality communication skills result in minimised workplace conflict, missed deadlines, and misunderstandings (either internal or external with clients) – all of which will have a detrimental impact.


Communication is essential for both managing and motivating employees. Managers should be enabled and empowered to convey the corporate vision, delegate, and oversee tasks, resolve issues, give constructive critical feedback, show appreciation, and create a collaborative environment, all while keeping an eye on achieving overall business goals.


Communication and diplomacy are the key attributes managers and leaders are required to possess.


Employees’ communication skills will have a significant impact on whether they advance in their careers, whilst remaining successful in their current role within the organisation. An essential element of workplace growth, therefore, is investing in enabling employees to communicate effectively. This will increase the organisational value as well as ensuring individuals not only feel valued but have a clear sense of being an invaluable contributor to the organisation as they learn, excellent communication results in transparency.


4. Customer Service – Customer service is one of the key metrics to determine the success of a business. It offers a direct opportunity to the organisation to connect with its clients, resolve their issues, and show that they are committed to not only delivering client requirements but to offering the upmost in customer service.


Well-executed customer service resonates with clients and inspires viva-voce advertising.


5. Presentation Skills Training,


6. Soft-skills Training,


7. From University Campus to Corporate Programmes


Areas we serve:


We deliver programmes for corporate clients and SMEs in the following areas:


  •  Accounting And Finance
  •  Information Technology
  •  Leadership And Management
  •  Corporate Sales Training Programs
  •  Human Resource [HR] And Recruitment
  •  Customer Service
  •  Healthcare Services
  •  Sales And Marketing
  •  Strategy, Creativity, Innovation
  •  Productivity And Organisation
  •  Team Development


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