Audit & Assurance
Our Audit & Assurance Services ensure that there is no mistake or wrongdoing in your company that remains undetected. Some companies have the mistaken idea that audits are only necessary when malicious wrongdoings occur in the data. Thus any company that is large enough is required to have external audit and assurance undertaken. The landscape of audit and assurance is changing dramatically. Regulatory requirements coupled with ever increasing demands of stakeholders, requires an increased level of transparency, resulting in increased pressure on organisations. As a result, the issue of audit and assurance is high on the agenda for many boards.
Our Audit & Assurance Services ensure that the level and standards of regulatory demands for greater disclosure and aims to increase transparency and assist in rebuilding confidence in corporate reporting.
We have been investing in the use of innovative data and analytics technology to enhance our ability to challenge assumptions and provide deeper insights.
Accurate information is crucial whilst making business decisions and business leaders need assurances above and beyond those that are provided by financial statement audits.
Deciding which risks to take is a challenging task. This can be made increasingly more difficult if you are concerned about systems or processes that are inaccurate, ambiguous in places or even unknown. Without having the necessary assurances, you cannot be certain that you have the correct and most appropriate level of governance and risk management.
At BKS Business Consultants, our assurance service will help your business mitigate risk and capitalise on new opportunities. We take a meticulous approach to the areas of your business that can be difficult to quantify or measure. With a detailed and in-depth review of complex situations and providing assurance where there is uncertainty.